O living water let me lay down

the burdens of my life,
the burden of my sin,

the conflicts and complexities,
the unanswerable questions,
unsolvable problems

my battles
my fears
my anxieties.

Wash over me and refresh what is tired, mend what is broken.

Dear Father, make holy our lives by sending down your Spirit upon us like the dewfall, the Spirit descending upon bread and wine to transform them into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, for our salvation and that of the whole world. Amen


30 Days

WEAKNESSES (My Special Boast)

Love Was His Meaning

Out Of Touch

Scallop Shell and Camper Van (CORPUS CHRISTI 2024)

INSOMNIA: They Who Fly Home To God

Back to Her First Love

FATHERHOOD: A Man And His Child

A SONG IN SEARCH OF A VOICE: In Memory of Father Michael Cremin SAC

THE LILAC TREE: Connection and Communication

HOLY WEEK: A Reflection