The "WHY?"
Of Jesus on the Cross

Cries out

From the rubble
Of the earthquake
The devastation of war

From every single
Tortured, broken life

The Silence of God
The Father
For the Son

And every other one
Sacred Silence


Of the newborn orphan
Lifted from destruction

One precious life

Sign of Hope
Sign of God



30 Days

WEAKNESSES (My Special Boast)

Love Was His Meaning

Out Of Touch

Scallop Shell and Camper Van (CORPUS CHRISTI 2024)

INSOMNIA: They Who Fly Home To God

Back to Her First Love

FATHERHOOD: A Man And His Child

A SONG IN SEARCH OF A VOICE: In Memory of Father Michael Cremin SAC

THE LILAC TREE: Connection and Communication

HOLY WEEK: A Reflection