Out Of Touch

Down to the edge
Of the island

We will go
Once more

Beyond the reach
Of electric power

Out of touch 
With everything

Where Elements
Alone remain

Salt sea water
Washing my face

My sinners soul
Transformed by grace

Mother of Mercy
Is present here

Speaking of surrender
To the Spirit

Here is the wind
The waves
The crashing

And the upward surge
Of everything


30 Days

Love Was His Meaning

WEAKNESSES (My Special Boast)

SIMPLICITY: Kissing The Hand of Jesus 2017 - Eamonn Monson sac

Back to Her First Love

St. Teresa of Avila: Let Nothing Disturb you

Scallop Shell and Camper Van (CORPUS CHRISTI 2024)

MOTHER & DAUGHTER: Hands Enfolded

I KNOW THAT, LOVE: In Honour of Mary Moore