I believe in harmony
I believe in kindness
I believe in gentleness

I believe in forgiving
I believe in being forgiven

At all times
In every relationship

And not just sometimes
And not just with some

Words that build up
And not knock down

I believe in Jesus
The personification of all these

I love Jesus who has loved first
He who is Love

I love You Jesus
And I ask you to take me

Into the very depths of my being
Where You abide

Into the deepest recesses
Of Your most beautiful Sacred Heart

Where I reside
And seek to abide

Where going inwards
Meets with moving outwards
Towards another

Where falling and rising

Where descending and ascending
Are one in You

Who are the wellspring
Of salvation

In whom I bathe
And rise to live

In heaven now
Even while still on earth

O my Jesus
I love You so much

More than I ever knew.

"I am for peace
but when I speak
they are for fighting"
(Psalm 120)


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