There is a mountain
That calls

A place
Not yet revealed

Where solitude
Speaks no more

And thoughts are stilled
Emotions calmed

All argument surrendered
All obligation ended

No meetings to attend
No deadlines to be met

There will be
No talk of God
Of whom nothing
Can be said

The abiding Presence
That seeks only

My silence

Without a word

That HE IS

Already now
The summit of my soul

Love unspoken
Hope unwritten

Faith fulfilled
Forgiveness felt

To this
May I attend


30 Days

WEAKNESSES (My Special Boast)

Love Was His Meaning

Out Of Touch

Scallop Shell and Camper Van (CORPUS CHRISTI 2024)

INSOMNIA: They Who Fly Home To God

Back to Her First Love

FATHERHOOD: A Man And His Child

A SONG IN SEARCH OF A VOICE: In Memory of Father Michael Cremin SAC

THE LILAC TREE: Connection and Communication

HOLY WEEK: A Reflection