People are asking how I am now. Very well is the honest answer, though after some very bright and energetic days last week, I find myself flagging a bit, somewhat under par. It wasn’t so noticeable until I had to stand up in public and perform as it were for the first time since the procedure. Then it’s clear that I am rusty and have to dig deep. For the Feast of the Sacred Heart I took three short assemblies at the school, a great way of connecting with all the children and if I wasn’t on top of my game, they were wonderful. They don’t ask for much and give so generously. Their capacity for silence is astonishing. They asked about my heart and I thanked them for the fabulous video they sent me wishing me to get well, praying for me. We talked about all that’s in the Heart of Jesus, love and kindness being the most mentioned and some spoke of happiness or joy. They were amused when I said that God is so happy that He dances for joy. The idea seemed funny and made them laugh b...