
Showing posts from March, 2025


It’s funny where a reading can take you. Moses on the west side of the wilderness brings my mind to a kind of wilderness of the West of Ireland. The Bog. Not that it’s confined to the West but that’s where I have known it, this very Irish reality. Bogland has yielded up turf to generations of Irish people, gift of the earth to us, this God-given gift that has warmed the homes of countless families when there was little or nothing else to keep them warm. Turf has given us the fire on which the kettle was boiled for the tea. On it bread was baked and dinners cooked. It gave our homes an unparalled atmosphere, feeding the contemplative spirit by which we gazed in long silence upon its flame, learning our own lessons there. It facilitated companionship, the gathering of people around the open fire in night-time conversations and music. The Rosary and other prayers prayed there. The harvesting of turf speaks of good neighbourliness, people out working together, helping each other out. ...

COLM - Something More Noble

The noble face of a Brazilian Pallottine, taken in Vale Veneto 2008 Frangled is what I feel. Like every nerve in my body is frazzled and jangled. Thought frangled was a non-word but discovered it does in fact exist in the Urban dictionary where it is defined as, “Mixed up or lightly tossed; a cross between frizzle and mangled ” Lightly tossed is what I am not. Mangled maybe! I feel hemmed in, trapped in a traffic jam in my car and it seems like Hastings is besieged on all sides by endless roadworks and there is no escape. My frustration boils over within the confines of my own space and I feel demeaned by it, ashamed. So I force my mind back to something more noble. My encounter with Colm in St. Raphael’s ward at St. Anne’s Mental Health Centre. Interesting that a secular place of healing should be dedicated to two Saints. Colm is seated on a chair in the corridor, head bowed, cap shading his eyes, faced in the direction of the locked door. He is surely hemmed in – within this physica...