You Were Strangers (Christian Unity Week 2024)

Strangers who became friends in the Desert Love the stranger, for you were strangers…” ( Deuteronomy 10) This phrase has been in my prayer for the past few days and it connects well with the Gospel of the Good Samaritan which has been chosen as the theme for Christian Unity week 2024. And I have the honour of preaching on this theme at St. Clement's Church of England here in the Old Town. It is a first for me - preaching in a church that is not Roman Catholic. I'm very grateful to Father Mat for inviting me. Love the stranger, for you were strangers…” Both parts of the phrase are important, though we tend to focus on the first. The obligation to love the other which we all take seriously. St. Catherine of Siena had a mystical experience in which she was taken up to Heaven where she experienced the fullness of life and joy in the presence of God. After a while Jesus told her "It's time for you to go back." And when she protested He said, "I need you to go...