Symbolic of where I'm going, Fog on the horizon Cloaking the hills Draping the trees The serene fields of England Fresh in vibrant green White Hawthorne blossoms Crowning - fifth mystery Queen of the May Help of Christians Gazing Down The dead-slow stress of morning traffic Mine a high speed pilgrim train No less tranquil than the gentle pace of barges on the canal Below I take a different route Kick the ball in another direction Sail against the current For the glory of You the One True God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent The saving of the soul The unheard voice Of the unseen child, Hard pressed mother, Troubled father Leaders who act as if they were God and reach to touch the Tree of Life At the risk of Paradise The entertaining gods At whose feet the masses lay down their approving ckoaks Jesus said, "In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever s...