TO THE MOON AND BACK - Eamonn Monson sac

When the night has come a nd the land is dark a nd the moon is the only light we see No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid just as long as you stand, stand by me (John Lennon) Sometimes I go into the church at night when the only light is the Sanctuary Lamp that is silent witness to the living presence of Jesus and I think of the boy Samuel who lay down to sleep in the sanctuary of the Temple more than 3,000 years ago. His is a story that resonates with anyone who has heard and followed the call of God, those of us who have sought God in Jesus, seeking out the place where He lives and staying there with Him. We have seen with the eyes of the soul and in Him we have come home. Though Samuel was living in the Temple he “ had as yet no knowledge of the Lord and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him” (1 Samuel 3) and in this it strikes me that I am invited to lay my life down in the presence of the Lord, to rest in that safe and holy place wi...